
Book chapters



Chapitres d’ouvrages scientifiques / Chapters in scientific publications

Laugier, S. "The Value of Popular Culture" (trad. Daniela Ginsburg), dans S. Sunday. Culture and Value after Wittgenstein, Oxford, Oxford University Press (forthcoming). HAL : hal-03742112.

Laugier, S. "Love, Remarriage and The Americans", dans David LaRocca et Sandra Laugier (eds.), Television with Stanley Cavell in Mind, Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 2023, pp. 288-304.

Laugier, S. "Introduction: The Fact and Fiction of Television: Stanley Cavell and the Terms of Television Philosophy", dans David LaRocca et Sandra Laugier (eds.), Television with Stanley Cavell in Mind, Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 2023, pp. 1-28.

Laugier, S. "The Crown", dans Sandra Laugier, Séries TV, laboratoire d’éveil politique, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2023.

Laugier, S. "The Americans", dans Sandra Laugier, Séries TV, laboratoire d’éveil politique, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2023.

Laugier, S. "Can Nudges Be Democratic?: Paternalism vs Perfectionism", dans James Katz, Katie Schiepers et Juliet Floyd (eds.), Nudging Choices Through Media: Ethical and Philosophical Implications for Humanity, Cham, Springer Nature. 2023.

Laugier, S. "Survivant désigné : Jack Bauer et sa descendance", dans Sylvie Allouche, 24 heures chrono, naissance du genre sécuritaire ?, Paris, Vrin, 2022.

Laugier, S. "Film and Television as Forms of Shared Experience", dans Richard Kearney et Murray Littlejohn (eds.), Thinking Film: Philosophy at the Movies, New York, Bloomsbury, 2022. ISBN : 9781350113466.

Laugier, S. "Foreword: The Importance of Stanley Cavell for the Study of Film", dans David LaRocca (ed.), Movies with Stanley Cavell in Mind, New York, Bloomsbury, 2021.

Laugier, S. "Ordinary Realism in Ethics", dans Frans Vosman, Andries Baart et Jaco Hoffman, The Ethics of Care: the State of the Art, New York, Peeters Publishers, 2020/8, pp. 113-136.

Laugier, S. "The Importance of Being Alive", dans David LaRocca (ed.), Inheriting Stanley Cavell: Memories, Dreams, Reflections, New York, Bloomsbury, 2020.

Laugier, S. "The Conception of Film for the Subject of Television: Moral Education of the Public and a Return to an Aesthetics of the Ordinary", dans David LaRocca (ed.), The Thought of Stanley Cavell and Cinema. Turning Anew to the Ontology of Film a Half-Century after The World Viewed, New York, Bloomsbury, 2020.

Laugier, S. "Cultures populaires, critique ordinaire, une philosophie des genres mineurs", dans Emmanuel Pedler (ed.), Théories ordinaires, Paris, EHESS, 2020.

Blistène, P. "Les séries télévisées, une expérience des « liens faibles » ?", dans Alexandre Gefen et Sandra Laugier (eds.), Paris, CNRS Editions, 2020.

Lagier, S. "How They Fought", dans Jamila M. H. Mascat et Gregor Moder (eds), The Object of Comedy: Philosophies and Performances, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 35-49.

Laugier, S. "Spoilers, Twists, and Dragons: Popular Narrative after Game of Thrones", dans Ian Christie et Annie van den Oever (eds.), Stories. Screen Narrative in the Digital Era, Amsterdam University Press, 2018, pp. 143-152.

Laugier, S. "What Matters: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Importance", dans Garry L. Hagberg, Stanley Cavell on Aesthetic Understanding, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 167-196.

Laugier, S. "Un scepticisme de l’ordinaire", dans Jean-Charles Darmon, Philippe Desan et Gianni Paganini (eds.), Scepticisme et pensée morale : de Michel de Montaigne à Stanley Cavell, Paris, Hermann, 2017.

Laugier, S. "Stanley Cavell, the Ordinary, and the Democratization of Culture(s)", dans Paul Standish et Naoko Saito (eds.), Stanley Cavell and Philosophy as Translation: The Truth is Translated, London, Rowman & Littlefield, 2017.