The project
Under the direction of Sandra Laugier, professor of philosophy at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, the DEMOSERIES ERC Project brings together a team of philosophers, sociologists, and political scientists to explore a corpus of ‘security TV series’ from conception to reception.
Main objectives:
- study TV series' aesthetic potential for visualising political and ethical issues
- examine how 'security TV series' are conceived both by their creators and audiences
- grasp the influence of ‘security TV series’ on their viewers, in particular how they create shared and shareable moral values in the EU and beyond
- elucidate TV series’ crucial role in developing a collective understanding of democracy in its relation to fiction, politics and security
- explore how they raise awareness for the protection of individuals and societies in current and future crises.
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DEMOSERIES is hosted at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and funded under the European Union’s Horizon research and innovation program.